258 Fortenberry Road
Merritt Island, Florida 32952
Phone: 321-848-0770
Fax: 321-848-0769
Dr. Kirk is now accepting new patients.
Dr. Gregory A. Kirk is a Family Practice physician who has been in practice on Merritt Island for over 30 years.
Our vision is to ensure patient satisfaction in the healthcare system by restoring the doctor patient
relationship and delivering better patient care by spending more time with each patient.
Membership includes:
- All visits with Dr. Kirk for an entire year
- Physician access 24/7
- Same day or next day office visits that start on time and are not rushed
- Urgent visits including illnesses, bronchitis, sinusitis, abdominal pain, strains, sprains, etc
- Three and six month follow ups for chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and depression
- Annual physical with an extensive review of past medical history
- Review of annual blood work and urinalysis
- EKG if needed
- Assistance in handling medical needs while traveling
In order to provide the level of patient service our patients expect, there is a cost to be a member of Dr. Kirk's practice.
All patients must sign a one year contract, and your annual membership fee will not be covered by insurance.
Everything else involved in your care (labs, x-rays, CTs, referrals to specialists, hospitalizations, etc.) will be covered by insurance just as it is now.
Why I Chose Concierge Medicine
I would like you to understand why I felt compelled to change the way I practice medicine. In a medical world gone awry, where every conceivable party, from the federal government to insurance company clerks, have invaded the physician-patient relationship, something very important has gotten lost in the rush of today's health care shuffle. That something is TRUST. Some patients today have good reason to wonder whether their physician has taken the time necessary to thoroughly evaluate their problem and educate them adequately about it, including a review of all available treatment options.
I realize that there is something fundamentally wrong with our nation's medical care system when many physicians feel trapped in the grasp of "corporatized" (HMO and Managed Care) medicine, but powerless to "change the system". I have chosen another path. Understanding that I cannot "change the system", I realize I can only change how I practice medicine. I have broken away from all managed care plans, see fewer patients and spend more time with each patient. Rather than handing over what little control I have left over the patient care environment to others, I have taken back complete control and design treatment protocols with nothing but the patient's best interest in mind. It is my goal to recommend only what is best for you, not what is best for your insurance company. There is still no adequate substitute for genuine "face to face" time between patient and physician for discussion of important issues.
I would like you to understand why I felt compelled to change the way I practice medicine. In a medical world gone awry, where every conceivable party, from the federal government to insurance company clerks, have invaded the physician-patient relationship, something very important has gotten lost in the rush of today's health care shuffle. That something is TRUST. Some patients today have good reason to wonder whether their physician has taken the time necessary to thoroughly evaluate their problem and educate them adequately about it, including a review of all available treatment options.
I realize that there is something fundamentally wrong with our nation's medical care system when many physicians feel trapped in the grasp of "corporatized" (HMO and Managed Care) medicine, but powerless to "change the system". I have chosen another path. Understanding that I cannot "change the system", I realize I can only change how I practice medicine. I have broken away from all managed care plans, see fewer patients and spend more time with each patient. Rather than handing over what little control I have left over the patient care environment to others, I have taken back complete control and design treatment protocols with nothing but the patient's best interest in mind. It is my goal to recommend only what is best for you, not what is best for your insurance company. There is still no adequate substitute for genuine "face to face" time between patient and physician for discussion of important issues.